Petersen Rock Gardens & Museum

Years in the making
Visitors in 1950
Visitors in 1974
A new era begins

Summer Hours!

The Grounds are open every day
10:00 to 4:00

Suggested Donation $10

Leashed dogs are permitted if they're chill and will leave the Peacocks alone. Please clean up after your dog by bringing you own bags since we don't have a dispenser yet. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Please Pardon Our Dust
We are only a year into taking on 30 years of deferred maintenance, and things are getting better every day, but we have a long road ahead. Thank you for your support in restoring the garden to its glory days!

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Want to get involved?

Ask not what the Rock Garden can do for you but what you can do for the Rock Garden!

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For inquiries, please email
Or leave a message at 541-904-0557.